Regulatory Compliance Manager

A Subscription-based Compliance Support Service Offering Priority Response, Expert Advice

Regulatory Compliance Manager, a subscription-based service, provides compliance support services and resources to help you face your compliance challenges head-on and manage your CMS effectively.

Ongoing support is key to an effective compliance management system.

TCA’s Regulatory Compliance Manager (RCM), a subscription-based service, provides such support, keeping you informed about regulatory changes and prepared to meet your compliance challenges head‐on.

TCA’s helpline gives you thoughtful advice quickly—within 24 hours—on all your compliance questions.

We also check in with you to see whether you need clarification on regulatory initiatives, help with implementing TCA-recommended changes, or have compliance issues you want to discuss.

TCA’s in-depth newsletters and webinars keep you and your team informed about new and evolving laws and regulations and precisely how they affect your bank.

You can rely on RCM for skilled, tailored compliance advice to give you confidence that your CMS is on track and that you’re making smart decisions.

Key Deliverables Include:

  • Priority response—within 24 hours— to compliance questions requiring less than 1 hour of research. A separate proposal will be sent for complex inquiries, disclosure validations, or policy reviews
  • Review of advertisements to ensure they comply with applicable rules and regulations
  • Access to TCA’s newsletters:
    • Compliance IQ electronic newsletter provides our analysis of the latest compliance information, including examination procedures, new compliance processes, and insight on simplifying your compliance management.
    • Special Release delivers breaking compliance news and updates.
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Interested in subscribing to RCM?

Please send an email to [email protected] or call 800-934-REGS for more information.

Compliance Insights

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Regulatory Updates – Third Quarter 2022

By | September 9, 2022

Below is a link to the Regulatory Updates as of the end of Q3. TCA provides A Better Way for you to track Compliance updates and keep your organization on track. You can download the updates in a PDF form here.As always, TCA is here to help with A Better Way to answer all your […]


Do you Remember? HMDA – Reporting Open-End Lines of Credit

By | August 25, 2022

It’s time for a trip into the Way-Back Machine, all the way back to April 16, 2020, when the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued a final rule amending Regulation C. This amendment permanently raised the closed-end coverage threshold from 25 to 100 closed-end mortgage loans in each of the two preceding calendar years. The […]

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Renewed Focus on Overdraft and “Junk” fees

By | August 12, 2022

One of the consequences of shrinking interest rates and interest margins is that financial institutions’ reliance on non-interest income has significantly increased over the last decade. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) published an initiative on January 26, 2022 stating its intention to research the impact of fees on American consumers. The press release specifically […]

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B Prepared for Compliance in Commercial Lending

By | July 20, 2022

It’s common for many lenders to believe that commercial lending is exempt from federal compliance regulations. However, this would be untrue – commercial loans are subject to the following compliance regulations: Regulation C/HMDA, Flood Disaster Protection Act, and Regulation B/ECOA. This article will focus on only one the regulations above – Regulation B. Under this […]

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2022 Census Tracts Changes What it May Mean for Your Assessment Area

By | July 18, 2022

The 2020 Census data has been released by the US Census – and it may impact your Assessment Area for CRA and your Lending Area for Fair Lending. The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) which provides uniformity and consistency in the supervision of financial institutions, incorporates the US Census data in a format that […]

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Great Resignation Hits Banks, Threatens to Raise Compliance Risk

By , | June 27, 2022

TCA’s VCM Service Offers Support If You’re Facing Personnel Challenges The great resignation has hit banks. Hiring and retaining personnel, especially those with specialized experience, is challenging for banks. That, coupled with other issues–a complex operating environment, greater cyber risk, and regulatory changes, for example –can raise your compliance risk. Those are some takeaways from […]

Do You Need Compliance Help?

We’re here to review your current compliance strategy and help you find A Better Way to manage risk.



Email for Non-Confidential Information Only

[email protected]

Office Location

2021 Midwest Road, Suite 200,
Oak Brook, IL 60523

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