Automated Monitoring System (AMS) Model Validation


Model Governance

Data Integrity

Model Output and Performance

Helping you meet regulators’ demands for independent AMS model reviews

We bring the people and know-how to conduct rigorous, risk-based AMS model validations to assess how well your model governance, data integrity, and parameter thresholds adhere to regulatory guidance.

Conducting an AMS model validation is both an art and a science.

Hundreds of banks and credit unions view us as trusted artists and scientists and count on us to bring insightful regulatory intelligence during AMS model validations.

With real-world experience as former bankers, we understand the effect of increased regulatory pressure on your team. Relying on plug-and-play settings, for example, is a path to frustration, and we know how it feels to be overwhelmed by alerts and struggle to discern what warnings to heed or ignore.

Members of our team have done everything from examining data integrity and its quality and conducting “above the line” and “below the line” testing to assessing a model’s design and how well it’s tailored to your risk profile.

We also bring a solid track record in understanding the quirks of various AMS solutions in the marketplace and performing system validations on them.

Our assessments consider both IT and BSA perspectives, and we focus on three areas:

  • Model governance
  • Data integrity
  • Model output and performance

Throughout each engagement, we communicate with you to keep you informed on our progress and findings. At the conclusion, our exit meeting and written report document our scope, methodology, findings, and recommendations.

Once our AMS Validation is complete, you can be confident that your model is sound and meet examiners’ escalating expectations.

TCA gives you A Better Way to gauge whether your AMS model meets its objectives and protects you from money-laundering risks.

Key Deliverables Include:

  • Testing administrative controls, data import, and data integrity.
  • Reviewing system parameters to be sure they’re functioning correctly and identifying suspicious activity.
  • Ensuring that your model has been calibrated to your bank's risk profile.
  • Analyzing exams, reviews, and monitoring reports to trace the resolution of issues requiring corrective action.
  • Providing exceptional service that respects your time.

AMS Insights

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Regulatory Updates – Second Quarter 2024

By | July 2, 2024

Below is a link to the Regulatory Updates as of the end of Q2 2024. TCA provides A Better Way for you to track Compliance updates and keep your organization on track. You can download the updates in a PDF form here.As always, TCA is here to help with A Better Way to answer all […]


AML Programs and Recent Consent Orders: What Questions Should you be Asking?

By | June 27, 2024

Last year’s news headlines screamed about financial crimes: the riveting cryptocurrency saga of Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), Binance’s landmark $4.3 billion settlement with the Department of Treasury, and Deutsche Bank’s additional fines for anti-money laundering and sanctions failings. Other noteworthy stories entailed a parade of cybercrimes like ransomware and email scams. For those working in the […]

Juneteenth freedom day

A New Federal Holiday and an Old Federal Holiday – Alleviate The Confusion

By | June 12, 2024

So, if this article looks familiar, that’s because we sent out a similar version in the past three years and there can still be some confusion as some institutions are open and some are closed. On June 17, 2021, the US got its first national holiday in 38 years. June 19 has been designated as […]

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Planning for a successful Automated Monitoring System (AMS) Validation by Understanding Common Findings

By | May 24, 2024

Your AMS plays a crucial role in helping financial institutions detect and prevent illicit activities. However, to ensure the effectiveness and compliance of these solutions, regular model validations are necessary and prescribed by Guidance on Model Risk Management from the prudential regulators. During validations, common findings often emerge and highlight opportunities for improvement. Here, TCA […]

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CFPB Funding Mechanism Determined Valid

By | May 17, 2024

The Supreme Court released their decision in the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau v. Community Financial Services Assn. of America, Ltd. case, which was brought to challenge the funding of the CFPB as inconsistent with the Appropriations Clause. The challengers argued that this funding mechanism violated the appropriations clause, which provides that “no money shall be […]

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Regulation CC Updates Coming in 2025

By | May 15, 2024

When Regulation CC was updated back in 2019, one of the changes attached the dollar amounts to be made available to adjust every five years based on changes to the Consumer Price Index (CPI-W) similar to annual changes in Regulations M and Z, rounded to the nearest $25. Well, that far-off five-year timeframe has arrived. […]

Do You Need Compliance Help?

We’re here to review your current compliance strategy and help you find A Better Way to manage risk.



Email for Non-Confidential Information Only

[email protected]

Office Location

2021 Midwest Road, Suite 200,
Oak Brook, IL 60523

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