Helping your team shape policies and procedures to strengthen your lending operations and allow you to withstand regulators' scrutiny
We perform exhaustive reviews to discover whether you're appropriately controlling and minimizing consumer lending risk.
Compliance in the consumer lending arena continues to get more complicated. Regulators have high expectations and there's an overflow of guidance from various federal agencies: CFPB, FDIC, OCC, and others. Plus, consumers have gotten savvier about their rights.
It's helpful to have a competent team to walk alongside you, ensuring that your lending policies are fair, that your loan servicing strategy is effective, and that you can measure, control, and minimize lending-related consumer risk and avoid consumer harm.
Numerous banks have placed their trust and confidence in TCA. Our team members, all former bankers, have real-life experience managing day-to-day consumer and mortgage lending compliance and preparing for regulatory exams.
We tap that deep expertise when we assess your loans, operations, and policies with the same scrutiny as examiners.
Our review includes:
- Looking at the consumer loan and mortgage documentation, checking for correct disclosures, borrowers' payments, and loan modifications.
- Ensuring that your written policies, procedures, products, and operations are current and reflect your agreement with borrowers.
- Identifying flood insurance coverage gaps.
- Evaluating your training and recommending changes, where necessary.
- Testing whether your procedures are adequate to minimize your risk.
Working with the TCA team is an investment in your future. Besides preparing for your exam, we advise you on modifications you can make to align your policies and procedures with your current needs and longer-term goals.
TCA's A Better Way for loan servicing and operations gives you the how-to on addressing your consumer lending risk.
Key deliverables include:
- Identifying compliance deficiencies and recommending corrections to help you pass future exams more easily
- Checking that you're complying with all relevant consumer and mortgage lending regulations
- Evaluating staff competence and training
Additional Compliance Topics
Regulatory Updates – Fourth Quarter 2024
Below is a link to the Regulatory Updates as of the end of Q4 2024. TCA provides A Better Way for you to track Compliance updates and keep your organization on track. TCA – A Better Way!
Time to Make New Year’s AML/CFT Resolutions
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Regulatory Updates – Third Quarter 2024
Below is a link to the Regulatory Updates as of the end of Q3 2024. TCA provides A Better Way for you to track Compliance updates and keep your organization on track. TCA – A Better Way!
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Regulatory Updates – Second Quarter 2024
Below is a link to the Regulatory Updates as of the end of Q2 2024. TCA provides A Better Way for you to track Compliance updates and keep your organization on track. TCA – A Better Way!